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EM 2024




 A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Kürzel Team Verband Konf. Gegr. Beitr.
MKD 0 0
AFG Afghanistan Afghanistan Football Federation (AFF) AFC 1922 1948
EGY Ägypten Egyptian Football Association (EFA) CAF 1921 1923
ALB Albanien Federata Shqiptare e Futbollit (FSHF) UEFA 1930 1930
ALG Algerien Fédération Algérienne de Football (FAF) CAF 1962 1963
ASA Amerikanisch Samoa Football Federation American Samoa (FFAS) OFC 1981 1998
VIR Amerikanische Jungferninseln Virgin Islands Soccer Association (VISA) CONCACAF 1998 1998
AND Andorra Federació Andorrana de Futbol (FAF) UEFA 1994 1996
ANG Angola Federação Angolana de Futebol (FAF) CAF 1979 1980
AIA Anguilla Anguilla Football Association (AFA) CONCACAF 1996 1996
ATG Antigua und Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda Football Association (AFA) CONCACAF 1928 1970
EQG Äquatorialguinea Federación Ecuatoguineana de Fútbol (FEF) CAF 1928 1986
ARG Argentinien Asociación del Fútbol Argentino (AFA) CONMEBOL 1893 1912
ARM Armenien Hajastani foutbol federazia UEFA 1992 1992
ARU Aruba Arubaanse Voetbal Bond (AVB) CONCACAF 1932 1988
AZE Aserbaidschan Az?rbaycan Futbol Federasiyalar? Assosiasiyas? (AFFA) UEFA 1993 1994
ETH Äthiopien Ethiopian Football Federation (EFF) CAF 1943 1953
AUS Australien Football Federation Australia (FFA) AFC 1961 1963
BAH Bahamas Bahamas Football Association (BFA) CONCACAF 1967 1968
BHR Bahrain Bahrain Football Association (BFA) AFC 1957 1966
BAN Bangladesch Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) AFC 1972 1974
BRB Barbados Barbados Football Association (BFA) CONCACAF 1910 1968
BEL Belgien Koninklijke Belgische Voetbalbond (KBFV) UEFA 1895 1904
BLZ Belize Football Federation of Belize (BNFA) CONCACAF 1980 1986
BEN Benin Fédération Béninoise de Football (FBF) CAF 1968 1969
BER Bermuda Bermuda Football Association (BFA) CONCACAF 1928 1962
BOL Bolivien Federación Boliviana de Fútbol (FBF) CONMEBOL 1925 1926
BIH Bosnien und Herzegowina Nogometni/Fudbalski Savez Bosne i Hercegovine (NFSBIH) UEFA 1992 1996
BOT Botswana Botswana Football Association (BFA) CAF 1960 1976
BRA Brasilien Confederação Brasileira de Futebol (CBF) CONMEBOL 1914 1917
VGB Britische Jungferninseln British Virgin Islands Football Association (BVIFA) CONCACAF 1968 1996
BRU Brunei Football Federation of Brunei Darussalam AFC 1952 1969
BUL Bulgarien Bulgarski futbolen Sojus (BFS) UEFA 1923 1924
BFA Burkina Faso Fédération Burkinabè de Football (FBF) CAF 1960 1964
BDI Burundi Fédération de Football du Burundi (FFB) CAF 1948 1972
CHI Chile Federación de Fútbol de Chile CONMEBOL 1895 1912
CHN China VR Chinese Football Association (CFA) AFC 1924 1931
COK Cook-Inseln Cook Islands Football Association (CIFA) OFC 1971 1994
CRC Costa Rica Federación Costarricense de Fútbol (FCF) CONCACAF 1921 1921
CUW Curaçao Federashon Futbol Kórsou (FFK) CONCACAF 1921 1932
GDR DDR Deutscher Fußball-Verband 1952 0
DEN Dänemark Dansk Boldspil-Union (DBU) UEFA 1889 1904
COD Demokratische Republik Kongo Fédération Congolaise Football Association (FE.CO.F.A.) CAF 1919 1962
GER Deutschland Deutscher Fußball-Bund (DFB) UEFA 1900 1904
DMA Dominica Dominica Football Association (DFA) CONCACAF 1973 1993
DOM Dominikanische Republik Federación Dominicana de Fútbol (FDF) CONCACAF 1953 1958
DJI Dschibuti Fédération Djiboutienne de Football (FDF) CAF 1977 1958
ECU Ecuador Federación Ecuatoriana de Fútbol (FEF) CONMEBOL 1925 1926
SLV El Salvador Federación Salvadoreña de Fútbol (FSF) CONCACAF 1935 1938
CIV Elfenbeinküste Fédération Ivoirienne de Football (FIF) CAF 1960 1960
ENG England The Football Association (FA) UEFA 1863 1905
ERI Eritrea Eritrean National Football Federation (ENFF) CAF 1992 1998
EST Estland Eesti Jalgpalli Liit (EJL) UEFA 1921 1923
FRO Färöer Fótbóltssamband Føroya (FSF) UEFA 1979 1988
FIJ Fidschi Fiji Football Association (FFA) OFC 1938 1963
FIN Finnland Suomen Palloliitto (SPL) UEFA 1907 1908
FRA Frankreich Fédération Française de Football (FFF) UEFA 1919 1904
GAB Gabun Fédération Gabonaise de Football (FGF) CAF 1962 1963
GAM Gambia Gambia Football Association (GFA) CAF 1952 1966
GEO Georgien Sakartwelos Pechburtis Pederazis (SPP) UEFA 1990 1992
GHA Ghana Ghana Football Association (GFA) CAF 1957 1958
GIB Gibraltar Gibraltar Football Association (GFA) UEFA 1895 2013
GRN Grenada Grenada Football Association (GFA) CONCACAF 1924 1976
GRE Griechenland Elliniki Podosferiki Omospondia (EPO) UEFA 1926 1927
GUM Guam Guam Football Association (GFA) AFC 1975 1996
GUA Guatemala Federación Nacional de Fútbol de Guatemala (FENAFUTG) CONCACAF 1926 1933
GUI Guinea Fédération Guinénne de Football (FGF) CAF 1959 1961
GNB Guinea-Bissau Federação de Futebol da Guiné-Bissau (FFGB) CAF 1974 1986
GUY Guyana Guyana Football Federation (GFF) CONCACAF 1902 1968
HAI Haiti Fédération Haïtienne de Football (FHF) CONCACAF 1933 1937
HON Honduras Federación Nacional Autónoma de Fútbol de Honduras (FENAFUTH) CONCACAF 1935 1951
HKG Hongkong The Hong Kong Football Association (HFA) AFC 1914 1954
IND Indien All India Football Federation (AIFF) AFC 1937 1948
IDN Indonesien Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) AFC 1930 1952
IRQ Irak Iraq Football Association (IFA) AFC 1948 1950
IRN Iran Football Federation Islamic Republic of Iran (FFIRI) AFC 1922 1948
IRL Irland Football Association of Ireland (FAI) UEFA 1921 1923
ISL Island Knattspyrnusamband Íslands (KSI) UEFA 1907 1929
ISR Israel Israel Football Association (IFA) UEFA 1928 1929
ITA Italien Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio (FIGC) UEFA 1898 1905
JAM Jamaika Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) CONCACAF 1910 1962
JPN Japan Japan Football Association (JFA) AFC 1921 1929
YEM Jemen Yemen Football Association (YFA) AFC 1962 1980
JOR Jordanien Jordan Football Association (JFA) AFC 1949 1958
YUG Jugoslawien Fudbalski savez Jugoslavije 0 1920
CAY Kaimaninseln Cayman Islands Football Association (CIFA) CONCACAF 1966 1992
CAM Kambodscha Cambodian Football Federation (CFF) AFC 1933 1953
CMR Kamerun Fédération Camerounaise de Football (FCF) CAF 1959 1962
CAN Kanada Canadian Soccer Association (CSA) CONCACAF 1912 1912
CPV Kapverdische Inseln Federação Caboverdiana de Futebol (FCF) CAF 1982 1986
KAZ Kasachstan Qasaqstannyng Futbol Federazijassy (KFF) UEFA 1989 1994
QAT Katar Qatar Football Association (QFA) AFC 1960 1970
KEN Kenia Kenya Football Federation (KFF) CAF 1960 1960
KGZ Kirgisistan Football Federation of Kyrgyz Republic (FFKR) AFC 1992 1994
COL Kolumbien Federación Colombiana de Fútbol (FCF) CONMEBOL 1924 1936
COM Komoren Fédération Comorienne de Football (FCF) CAF 1979 2005
CRO Kroatien Hrvatski nogometni savez (HNS) UEFA 1912 1941
CUB Kuba Asociación de Fútbol de Cuba (AFC) CONCACAF 1924 1932
KUW Kuwait Kuwait Football Association (KFA) AFC 1952 1962
LAO Laos Fédération Lao de Football (FLF) AFC 1951 1952
LES Lesotho Lesotho Football Association (LFA) CAF 1932 1964
LVA Lettland Latvijas Futbola feder?cija (LFF) UEFA 1921 1923
LIB Libanon Fédération Libanaise de Football Association (FLFA) AFC 1933 1935
LBR Liberia Liberian Football Assotiacion (LFA) CAF 1936 1962
LBY Libyen Libyan Football Federation (LFF) CAF 1962 1963
LIE Liechtenstein Liechtensteiner Fussballverband (LFV) UEFA 1934 1974
LTU Litauen Lietuvos Futbolo Federacija (LFF) UEFA 1923 1923
LUX Luxemburg Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Football (FLF) UEFA 1908 1910
MAC Macao Associacao Futebol de Macau (AFM) AFC 1939 1976
MAD Madagaskar Fédération Malagasy de Football (FMF) CAF 1961 1962
MWI Malawi Football Association of Malawi (FAM) CAF 1966 1967
MAS Malaysia Persatuan Bolasepak Malaysia (PBM) AFC 1933 1956
MDV Malediven Football Association of Maldives (FAM) AFC 1982 1986
MLI Mali Fédération Malienne de Football (FMF) CAF 1960 1962
MLT Malta Malta Football Association (MFA) UEFA 1900 1959
MAR Marokko Fédération Royale Marocaine de Football (FMF) CAF 1955 1956
MTN Mauretanien Fédération de Foot-Ball de la Républic Islamique de Mauritanie (FFRIM) CAF 1961 1964
MRI Mauritius Mauritius Football Association (MFA) CAF 1952 1962
MKD Mazedonien Fudbalska Federacija na Makedonija UEFA 1992 1994
MEX Mexiko Federación Mexicana de Fútbol Asociación (FMF) CONCACAF 1927 1929
MDA Moldawien Federa?ia Moldoveneasc? de Fotbal (FMF) UEFA 1990 1994
MGL Mongolei Mongolian Football Federation (MFF) AFC 1959 1998
MNE Montenegro Fudbalski savez Crne Gore (FSCG) UEFA 2006 2007
MSR Montserrat Montserrat Football Association (MFA) CONCACAF 1994 1996
MOZ Mosambik Federação Moçambicana de Futebol (FMF) CAF 1975 1980
MYA Myanmar Myanmar Football Federation (MFF) AFC 1947 1957
NAM Namibia Namibia Football Association (NFA) CAF 1990 1992
NEP Nepal All Nepal Football Association (ANFA) AFC 1951 1970
NCL Neukaledonien Fédération Calédonienne de Football (LFNC) OFC 1928 1998
NZL Neuseeland New Zealand Football (NZF) OFC 1891 1948
NCA Nicaragua Federación Nicaragüense de Fútbol (FNF) CONCACAF 1931 1950
NED Niederlande Koninklijke Nederlandse Voetbal Bond (KNVB) UEFA 1889 1904
INA Niederländisch Indien 0 0
ANT Niederländischen Antillen Nederlands Antilliaanse Voetbal Unie 1954 0
NIG Niger Fédération nigérienne de football (FNF) CAF 1967 1967
NGA Nigeria Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) CAF 1945 1960
YEM Nord-Jemen 0 0
NIR Nordirland Irish Football Association (IFA) UEFA 1880 1911
PRK Nordkorea Football Association of the Democratic People´s Republic of Korea AFC 1945 1958
NOR Norwegen Norges Fotballforbund (NF) UEFA 1902 1908
OMA Oman Oman Football Association (OFA) AFC 1978 1980
AUT Österreich Österreichischer Fußball-Bund (ÖFB) UEFA 1904 1905
PAK Pakistan Pakistan Football Federation (PFF) AFC 1948 1948
PLE Palästina Palestinian Football Association (PFA) AFC 1964 1998
PAN Panama Federación Panameña de Fútbol (FEPAFUT) CONCACAF 1937 1938
PNG Papua-Neuguinea Papua New Guinea Football Association (PNGFA) OFC 1962 1966
PAR Paraguay Asociación Paraguaya de Fútbol (APF) CONMEBOL 1906 1921
PER Peru Federación Peruana de Fútbol (FPF) CONMEBOL 1922 1924
PHI Philippinen Philippine Football Association (PFA) AFC 1907 1928
POL Polen Polski Zwi?zek Pi?ki No?nej (PZPN) UEFA 1919 1923
POR Portugal Federação Portuguesa de Futebol (FPF) UEFA 1914 1923
PUR Puerto Rico Federación Puertorriqueña de Fútbol (FPF) CONCACAF 1940 1960
CGO Republik Kongo Fédération Congolaise de Football (FECOFOOT) CAF 1962 1962
RWA Ruanda Fédération Rwandaise de Football Amateur (FRFA) CAF 1972 1976
ROU Rumänien Federa?ia Român? de Fotbal (FRF) UEFA 1909 1923
RUS Russland Rossijski Futbolny Sojus (RFS) UEFA 1912 1912
SAA Saarland Saarländischer Fußballverband 0 1950
SOL Salomon-Inseln Solomon Islands Football Federation (SIFF) OFC 1978 1988
ZAM Sambia Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) CAF 1929 1964
SAM Samoa Samoa Football (Soccer) OFC 1968 1986
SMR San Marino Federazione Sammarinese Giuoco Calcio (FSGC) UEFA 1931 1988
STP São Tomé und Prícip Federação Santomense de Futebol (FSF) CAF 1975 1986
KSA Saudi-Arabien Saudi Arabia Football Federation (SAFF) AFC 1959 1959
SCO Schottland Scottish Football Association (SFA) UEFA 1873 1910
SWE Schweden Svenska Fotbollförbundet (SF) UEFA 1904 1904
SUI Schweiz Schweizerischer Fussballverband (SFV) UEFA 1895 1904
SEN Senegal Fédération Sénégalaise de Football (FSF) CAF 1960 1962
SRB Serbien Fudbalski Savez Srbije (FSS) UEFA 1919 1919
SCG Serbien und Montenegro Fudbalski Savez Srbije i Crne Gore (FSSCG) 1919 1921
SEY Seychellen Seychelles Football Federation (SFF) CAF 1979 1986
SLE Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) CAF 1967 1967
ZIM Simbabwe Zimbabwe Football Association (ZFA) CAF 1965 1965
SIN Singapur Football Association of Singapore (FAS) AFC 1892 1952
SVK Slowakei Slovenský futbalový zväz (SFZ) UEFA 1993 1907
SVN Slowenien Nogometna zveza Slovenije (NZS) UEFA 1920 1992
SOM Somalia Somali Football Federation (SFF) CAF 1951 1960
URS Sowjetunion Federacija Futbola SSSR 0 1922
ESP Spanien Real Federación Española de Fútbol (FEF) UEFA 1913 1904
SRI Sri Lanka Football Federation of Sri Lanka (SLFA) AFC 1939 1950
SKN St. Kitts und Nevis St. Kitts and Nevis Football Association (SKNFA) CONCACAF 1932 1992
LCA St. Lucia St. Lucia Football Association (LFA) CONCACAF 1979 1988
VIN St. Vincent und die Grenadinen Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Football Federation (VGFF) CONCACAF 1979 1988
SYE Süd-Jemen 1965 1976
RSA Südafrika South African Football Association (SAFA) CAF 1991 1992
SDN Sudan Sudan Football Association (SFA) CAF 1936 1948
KOR Südkorea Korea Football Association (KFA) AFC 1945 1948
SUR Suriname Surinaamse Voetbal Bond (SVB) CONCACAF 1920 1929
SWZ Swasiland National Football Association of Swaziland (NAAS) CAF 1968 1976
SYR Syrien Syrischer Arabischer Fußballverband (SAF) AFC 1936 1937
TJK Tadschikistan Tajikistan National Football Federation (TNFF) AFC 1936 1994
TAH Tahiti Fédération Tahitienne de Football (FTF) OFC 1989 1990
TPE Taiwan Chinese Taipei Football Association (CTFA) AFC 1936 1954
TAN Tansania Tanzania Football Federation (TFF) CAF 1930 1964
THA Thailand Football Association of Thailand (FAT) AFC 1916 1925
TLS Timor-Leste Federação de Futebol de Timor-Leste (FFTL) AFC 2002 2005
TOG Togo Fédération Togolaise de Football (FTF) CAF 1960 1962
TGA Tonga Tonga Football Association (TFA) OFC 1965 1994
TRI Trinidad und Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF) CONCACAF 1908 1963
CHA Tschad Fédération Tchadienne de Football Association (FTFA) CAF 1962 1964
CZE Tschechien Fotbalová asociace ?eské republiky (?MFS) UEFA 1993 1907
TCH Tschechoslowakei Fotbalová asociace ?eské republiky 1901 1922
TUN Tunesien Fédération Tunisienne de Football (FTF) CAF 1956 1960
TUR Türkei Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu (TFF) UEFA 1923 1923
TKM Turkmenistan Türkmenistan Futbol Federasiýasy (TFF) AFC 1992 1994
TCA Turks- und Caicosinseln Turks and Caicos Islands Football Association (TCIFA) CONCACAF 1996 1998
TUV Tuvalu Tuvalu National Football Association (TNFA) OFC 1976 2009
USA USA United States Soccer Federation (USSF) CONCACAF 1913 1913
UGA Uganda Federation of Uganda Football Associations (UFA) CAF 1924 1959
UKR Ukraine Federazija Futbolu Ukrajiny (FFU) UEFA 1991 1992
HUN Ungarn Magyar Labdarúgó Szövetség (MLS) UEFA 1901 1906
URU Uruguay Asociación Uruguaya de Fútbol (AUF) CONMEBOL 1900 1923
UZB Usbekistan O?zbekiston Futbol Federatsiyasi (UFF) AFC 1946 1994
VAN Vanuatu Vanuatu Football Association (VFA) OFC 1934 1988
VEN Venezuela Federación Venezolana de Fútbol (FVF) CONMEBOL 1926 1952
UAE Vereinigte Arabische Emirate United Arab Football Association (UAEFA) AFC 1971 1972
VIE Vietnam Vietnam Football Federation (VFF) AFC 1962 1964
WAL Wales Football Association of Wales (FAW) UEFA 1876 1910
BLR Weißrussland Belaruskaja Federazyja Futbola (FFB) UEFA 1989 1992
CTA Zentralafrikanische Republik Fédération Centrafricaine de Football (RCA) CAF 1961 1963
CYP Zypern Cyprus Football Association (CFA) UEFA 1934 1948

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